Phyllis and Star Bright
competing at the Foxhall Cup CCI***.
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February 17, 2002
Here at Windchase, we have been continuing to enjoy the mild weather we have been having this winter. Despite the fact that I have been suffering from the flu bug that has been going around, this has been one of the nicest Februarys I can remember, as we have been able to get outside to hack and jump and even go cross-country, really unusual for this time of year!
Yesterday, I went over to Brandenburg Farms for another of their excellent Jumper Schooling Shows. It was about 55 degrees and sunny, and the footing was good enough that it was able to be held outside. I took two of my young horses to their very first competition. Clifden Castle, who I imported from Ireland in December, was excellent; he has such a super disposition that it made everything easy, and he loved the jumping. And Given Wings (a.k.a. Flier), Imp's little brother, took everything is stride, he thought all of those people were there just to watch him! I was very happy with the performance of both of them at their first outing.

Philip on Half Magic

Mariah and Circe
Philip Naggar, our working student from Switzerland, also participated in his very first show, riding my former Advanced horse, Half Magic.
They both enjoyed themselves immensely, and Philip earned a second and a third place ribbon.
Mariah Evans also did a good job with her mare Circe, who was feeling a bit overly exuberant on the day.
And Kirsten Nyrop had excellent rounds on her Joya Carolina, winning one of her classes.
Natalie Compton-Hollis had a super go with her Sirius in the higher classes, the two of them are forming an excellent partnership.
So Windchase was well represented!
Until next time,
February 4, 2002
I ran away to New York City this past weekend.
It was a spur of the moment decision, but my Mom and I hopped on a plane and took off for
The Big Apple. We stayed in a ritzy hotel, ate in a fancy restaurant, visited Times Square, and went to a show.
I felt very 'high society'!
The reason we went to NY was to see a show called "Stacy Dawson - BEST WESTERN".
Stacy is my niece, and she is an actress/dancer who lives in New York City.
She has put together this entire dance musical herself. She created it from the start; she wrote it, designed it, choreographed it, produced it, and starred in it.
She also made the costumes, and put together the music, much of which was recorded by my brother-in-law Rob Foos, and his son Mitchell.
The show was completely Stacy's production, from start to finish.
It was playing in an off Broadway Theater this weekend, and as a number of others in the family were going to be there too, Mom and I decided to go up and see it.
What a blast! The show was terrific, and we were really impressed by the huge amount of talent that Stacy demonstrated in putting the whole thing together.
And New York is such a fun place!

Stacy Dawson in 'Best Western'.
We had a little bit of time to tour around the city.
It is an incredible place. I am not a city person, I like the wide open spaces;
but I couldn't help but be fascinated by New York. The people, the buildings, the lights, all the hustle and bustle; it is entirely exciting.
Walking through Times Square at night, with all the lights flashing and moving, it was a real Sensory Overload!
It was really strange though, to see that famous and familiar New York skyline as we approached the city, but without the Twin Towers.
That big hole in the ground where those skyscrapers used to be, it casts a strange mood over the city: part horror and grief, part a kind of sad reverence for all who were lost there, and part determined optimism and hope, as the unquenchable spirits of the people of New York City are lifted by the clean-up operations and the plans for rebuilding, even as they look upon the city in its altered state.
There is a wall that has been constructed all of the way around Ground Zero to keep people back from the area; it was completely covered with flags, pictures, flowers and personal effects from the residents and visitors of the city, in memory of those who died there.
As much as I loved the visit to the city, two days was enough, I was glad to get back to my hills and mountains in Virginia.
Unfortunately, that pesky Groundhog must have seen his shadow, for we are back to winter weather now.
Last week we were schooling cross-country in our shirt sleeves with the unseasonably warm weather, but this week we are back to reality.
I took Imp hacking today, and got caught in a sudden snowstorm.
By the time we made it back to the stable, we were both covered in the white stuff!
Until next time,
January 25, 2002
Things are always a little slow this time of year.
In a way, that is kind of good; it's nice to have a little down time, since much of the year is
hectically busy. In fact, I even get to take a day off now and then in the winter!
All of the competition horses are back in serious work now, and getting quite fit; the winter is the time when we can really work on the basics and on improving the dressage work.
Imp has been acting like quite the clown, he loves to spook and buck and play.
He is brilliant when he wants to be, but I always have to convince him to keep his mind on his business!
His little brother, Flier, is coming along quite nicely, he already thinks he knows everything!
I am having a lot of fun working with my two new horses from Ireland, Hallo Money and Clifden Castle, they are incredibly smart, and making really fast progress.
And along with Kilroe Bay and Tenor Star, who will move up to Preliminary in the spring, I will have a whole string of really nice youngsters to take out to the Events!
In a way, it always seems this time of year that spring will never come, and we get tired of being stuck in the indoor arena (though that sure beats not having and indoor arena to be stuck in!).
But next thing you know, it is opening date for the first Events, and spring is just around the corner!
Until next time,
January 12, 2002
We have been enjoying really nice warm weather this week, it has been great.
I am so glad that winter is over, and spring is here at last! . . . What did you say? . . . You don't think the winter is over?
Spring isn't really here? DARN!
Things are starting to run pretty smoothly here at Windchase in the New Year.
We had been short handed over the Holidays, but now we have several new working students, so we are in good shape.
Windchase welcomes Eileen Earnhart and Brooks Lyons to the Team!
They are doing a great job, and along with working student Philip Naggar, and the excellent help we get from Mariah Evans, we are well
staffed. Petra Buc helps us part-time, and Melissa Hunsberger does a super job as assistant trainer/manager, so Jineen and I are enjoying having high quality help in the barn these days!
I took one of my new horses to a horse show today.
What fun! I went to the jumper schooling show at Brandenburg Farm with one of the horses I got in Ireland recently, Hallo Money.
He was awesome! I am still getting to know him, so I took him to the show to see how he would act in a competitive atmosphere, and he was everything I could have hoped for.
He has done quite a bit of showing in Ireland, including winning a class at the Dublin
Horse Show, so it was a real treat to take him out and do the classes over the bigger fences in the afternoon!
I can hardly wait to go Eventing with him. I bought Hallo Money for resale, but I am hoping that he does not sell to quickly, because I really look forward to Eventing him myself.
I may decide not to put him on the market after all! I think he is one of the nicest horses I have imported from Ireland yet.
Anyway, what fun, to play with my new toys!
I am looking forward to going hacking tomorrow.
Really, I am quite sure spring is here!
Until next time,
January 1, 2002
Happy New Year! 2002, can you believe it?
2002! Remember when the year 2000 seemed an impossibly far-off thing?
(OK, I know you younger folks DON'T remember that, but us older people do!)
We thought we'd never get there. And here we are in 2002!
We had the fifteenth annual Windchase New Year's Eve Party on Monday night, where the participants played "Wheel of Windchase"!
We had a lot of fun, with partygoers participation in various stunts, relays and skits in order to obtain clues that would allow them to work the final puzzle.
Emily and Amanda were the only ones to bring tiaras to the Judges, I guess the others don't read this Windchase News column!
Anyway, we rang in the New Year in good style, and everyone at Windchase is looking forward to an exciting year.
Actually, I do have something very exciting to report.
Windchase now consists of 205 acres! There is a beautiful piece of property across the lane from us, almost, but not quite, adjoining the farm, that I have been in love with for fifteen years, ever since I first moved to Windchase.
The first time I went riding there, I thought I was in heaven!
It consists of lovely fields and forest, with a nice long hill.
I have ridden there on occasion, and it is absolutely fabulous.
The views are to die for! I have coveted this land ever since I first saw it.
Several years ago, it came on the market, and I have been in the process of trying to buy it ever since.
Today, finally, after two years of negotiations and red tape, I went to settlement on this property, so
this additional 55 acres is now a part of Windchase!
It gives us a lovely new gallop, excellent hacking trails, and additional pasture for the young homebreds.
This is really a dream come true for me, so I couldn't be happier!
Until next time,
Happy New Year!!!

New Year's Partygoers: Click
here! |
December 23, 2001
Merry Christmas!
I can't believe it is almost Christmas already! I guess I had better get started decorating my tree today!
I went to Newburgh and picked up my two new horses from Ireland this week, so I have new toys to play with! They are really nice, both have great personalities. They both
traveled well, so now I am having fun starting to work with them.
One of the new horses, Hallo Money, is an experienced jumper, he won a class at the Dublin Horse Show. He is a really good mover as well, and I think he will take to Eventing quickly. The other is young and green, but seems to be quite special.
I have named him Clifden Castle, in honor of the beautiful castle Jineen
and I explored in Connemara. Both of the new horses are quite beautiful, I am extremely pleased with my choices. Now I just have to try to find time to ride them! Between being short-staffed in the stable and trying to get ready for the Holidays, I have not had a chance to keep everything worked as much as I would like.
We said goodbye to working student Siobhain O'Connor on Friday, she has headed back to Canada, where she will work in a semester or so of college between Event seasons. I don't think she will let getting an education get in the way of riding her horse for very long, so we expect her back in the springtime!
Here's hoping that all of you have a Happy Christmas, and a wonderful Holiday
Until next time,
December 13, 2001
What a super vacation! Jineen and I just returned home from
a week in Ireland, and as always when we go there, we had a wonderful time.
We visited with Imp's breeder, we spent a couple of days looking at horses, and we toured Connemara thoroughly!
It was a great trip, we loved every minute of it. Click on the
above link if you would like to get the details and see the
pictures. Get out your knitting, it may take a while to load!
I bought two exciting new horses while we were there.
I think they may be two of the nicest ones I have found so far, I am really excited about them.
And the great part is, I shouldn't have to wait a long time for them to arrive like I often do, the scheduled charter flight is on Sunday, so if everything goes according to plan, I should have them home by the middle of next week!
A HUGE thanks to Melissa, Siobhain, Mariah, Philip, Petra and Kenny for doing a super job of taking care of everything here while Jineen and I were off enjoying ourselves on our trip!
Until next time,
November 26, 2001
I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving, we had a super one here at Windchase! Quite a lot of my family came to visit, and it is always great to get together with them. As usual on this holiday, we all ate way too much! Mom cooked her fabulous Thanksgiving dinner, and
took our annual 'After-Thanksgiving Dinner Walk' around the farm, once we recovered to the point where we could waddle. One of the things our family likes to do when we get together is play Charades; this year's lasting image in our minds will be of my nephew Nick's attempts to act out the whole idea of 'Debbie Does Dallas'!
For the saying of grace before Thanksgiving dinner, my brother George recited what he indicated was a 'Robert Frost type' poem, which I liked very much. I thought it was worth including here.
Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing,
There is a field.
I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass
The world is too full to talk about ideas, language,
Even the phrase 'each other' doesn't make any sense.
Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing,
There is a field.
I'll meet you there.
After he recited this for the blessing, George told us the true origin of the poem.
It was written by an ancient poet and
philosopher named Rumi, who was born in 1207 in a place that is now known as Afghanistan.
Enniskerry Imp officially started back to work after his post-Event Season vacation. He was getting fairly bored, so I think he is glad to have something to do again. I am certainly glad to be riding him again!
We also had some notable fun around the barn on Thanksgiving. Philip, our working student from Switzerland, had been asking to be allowed to ride Avery, his favorite horse in the barn, without a saddle. I told him that he could ride her bareback if he jumped her into the water jump that way! So in the interest of a little carefree abandon, Jineen, Siobhain, Mariah and I all joined Philip on a little bareback ride! Avery performed fabulously, topping off the ride by rolling with Philip in the water jump! Of course, I was quick to point out the rule that if you fall off in the water jump, it is worth two bottles of Champagne instead of the usual one bottle.

Avery and Philip take a

Mariah on Circe.
Cahir left for his new home on Saturday, and I already miss him.
He has been sold to a talented young rider, and I know they will have great success together, but I had become quite attached to him, so it did make me sad to see him go.
Jineen and I are off to Ireland for a vacation next week.
We are really looking forward to it; it is time for a break after a busy season.
We plan to drive around the countryside, visit some friends, and explore the coast of Connemara.
I t should be a lot of fun. This trip is meant to be a vacation, not a horse-buying trip.
But there is nothing that says you can't bring home a souvenir from vacation!
Until next time,
17, 2001
I want to talk a little about heroes.
Since September 11, I think most of us look at many things
differently. I read an
article in Sports Illustrated not long ago where the writer was
commenting that we have been given a new perspective on what a hero is.
He said that he would no longer use words like heroic,
courageous, and brave to describe sports figures or plays in a ball
game. A
sports star is not a hero.
Now we know who the real heroes are.
They are the ones who were running up the burning towers when the
rest of the world was running down.
That prompted me to think about some other heroes.
Or if they are not actually heroes, they are at least ordinary
citizens who are acting in an exemplary manner.
I saw a report on a TV news program the other night about the
clean-up efforts at Ground Zero in New York.
People from all over the country are dedicating their time, money
and supplies to help in the efforts to clear away the rubble and
identify the missing.
Many are there to offer assistance and help see to the needs of
the emergency workers that are still risking their lives in the
aftermath of the September 11 attack.
They have been there eight weeks now.
And it is still burning.
The surface of the rubble that the firemen are climbing through
is 1100 degrees, from the fires below.
When they search down through the labyrinth of openings and
cavities, smoke still makes breathing hazardous, and the danger of
further collapse is always with them.
The size and scope of the job before them is staggering.
The mountain of debris covers sixteen acres.
Many people have left their homes, their jobs, their lives
behind, to come and do what they can, to do their part in their own way
to help in the recovery of this city and this nation.
Volunteers organize donations of clothing, boots and food for the
fireman and emergency teams.
A man from Texas who runs a barbecue has moved his operation to
Ground Zero, to feed the firemen who work twelve hour shifts trying to
put out the remaining fires.
People bring cots and blankets to help provide a place for the
rescue workers and out-of-town helpers to get some sleep.
They collect donations of sweatshirts and warm clothing as the
weather gets colder, because those who crawl into the rubble to try and
find the missing must discard their clothing each shift, it is beyond
One of the things they need the most is the donation of
steel-toed boots, because their boots melt from the heat as they work;
they need a new pair each day.
There are dozens of people who, after putting in their full
day’s work at their regular job, come and work another full shift each
day or night preparing food for the emergency personnel, administering
first aid, or helping in whatever way they can make a contribution.
And then there are the Postal Workers.
Their job is suddenly a high-risk occupation.
Every time they handle or carry the mail, they may be putting
themselves at risk.
The U.S.
Postal Service is in trouble financially because of all the new
procedures and precautions they have to implement.
They may have to raise the price of stamps again, and I have
heard people complain about that.
And I say to that, how can you complain about paying 34 cents (or
whatever they raise it to) for a stamp?
That is the best deal in town!
Think about it, for 34 cents, someone will come to your house,
pick up your letter, and deliver it for you anywhere in the country!
How can you get a better deal than that?
Anyway, the Postal service carries on, and has made an addition
to their traditional motto.
We are mothers and fathers, and
sons and daughters,
Who every day go about our lives with duty, honor and pride.
And neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night,
Nor the winds of change, nor a nation challenged,
Will stay us from the swift completion of our appointed rounds.
And how about our military?
I cannot even begin to conceive what it must be like to leave
your families and your home to go to fight in a place like Afghanistan.
The Special Ops forces and Ground Forces that go in to scout
sites for air strikes and to try to locate and hunt down the enemy, they
have a courage that defies the imagination.
Don’t forget the Police, with all of
the added responsibility of trying to protect us from a terrorist threat
that may come at any time from any direction. And
the security personnel at our airports, our government buildings, our
national monuments.
Suddenly their jobs have changed in a dire way.
It is easy to criticize security policies, and point fingers when
security is breeched.
It is also easy to complain when we have to wait at airports and
in long security lines.
But put yourself in their shoes.
I don’t want to hear people complain about being
This is not a complete list, by any means. There
are thousands of people who are making a contribution, making a
difference, trying to help right some of the wrong that has been done.
Is this heroic?
Maybe not, maybe it is just an illustration of the basic decency
of the American people.
They make me proud.
All of our lives are changed in some way, after the events of
September 11.
Things that we used to take for granted, we now see in a
different light.
One way this has been evident is the strong and renewed sense of
patriotism that most of us seem to share.
I love seeing the American flags everywhere.
I love it that people seem to be a little more tolerant towards
each other, a little more cooperative, a little more compassionate.
We have a little more in common with each other than we did
We have a little more pride in our country, pride in being
This is some small silver lining that we can take from this
But the price is too high.
Thanksgiving is almost upon us.
Our hearts and thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the
terrorist attacks, and those that they left behind.
And to those who were directly affected, losing family, friends
and loved ones.
And I give thanks for those who are working now, both here at
home and on foreign soil, to make our lives safer and more secure.
Until next time,
November 5, 2001
Virginia Horse Trials in Lexington, VA is generally my last of the season, and this year, as usual, it was a lot of fun.
Brian and Penny Ross run one of the best organized Events in the country, running over 450 horses on the weekend without a hitch.
And of course the facility there at the Virginia Horse Center is second to none.
All of my young Irish horses capped off their season on a good note.
Cahir did his first Preliminary event, finishing second with a lovely clear cross-country, he really thinks he is a top dog now.
He is quite a fearless jumper, it was really fun to move him up.
Daybreak won the Training Horse by quite a large margin, in his usual fun style.
I was perhaps most pleased of all with Tenor Star, who did her first Training Event really well, winning her dressage, and going superbly, with just a green mistake going into the water jump costing her the win.
She is really going to be something special!
Congratulations also to Petra Buc, who finished fifth in Training with her Kentucky Courage, it was good to see their hard work pay off.
Natalie Compton-Hollis had another good go with her mare Sirius, who can jump the moon, but tends to be quite a handful when fit.
And congratulations to David Smith of Brandenburg Farm, second in Training Horse with his lovely four-year-old
I love going off to the Events every weekend during the season, but I am
now looking forward to having some time off on the weekends for a while.
As always, it is fun to have time to concentrate on the youngsters, and also on having a bit of time to relax.
But I am already looking forward to next spring's Event season!
Until next time,
October 22, 2001
We had a fun time at Waredaca this weekend!
It is an extremely well run Event, and always one of the most fun to ride in.
As usual, Amanda Draper and Emily Curtis did a fabulous job of having my horses well turned out and ready, even with such a busy schedule.
It is really great to have such exceptional help at the Events!
I rode Daybreak and Cahir in the Training, both of whom went really well.
Daybreak is still a bit green in dressage, but went really well, and just jumped the best, finishing 10th.
Cahir was 6th in a very competitive division, with a double clear XC and SJ.
They both were a joy to ride.
Kilroe Bay is really coming in to his own now, he won the Novice division handily, and will go Training next time out.
He is really special!
Melissa Hunsberger did a great job with MacJordan, finishing fourth in their division of Novice; they will go Training next time as well.
It has been really fun watching Natalie Compton-Hollis developing a partnership with her new horse Sirius, purchased from Windchase.
They had a foot perfect round on cross-country at Waredaca, and I am sure this is a combination you will see much of in the future!
Until next time,
October 18, 2001
Not a lot to report this week. I went up to Radnor to help out several students, and it was, as always, a lovely Event.
The weather was great and the course was beautiful, but that just made me all the more frustrated that I was unable to compete Imp due to a minor injury.
That is the hardest thing about this sport; when you put in all that work, time, money and emotion preparing for an important competition, and it all ends up being for nothing.
It's sometimes enough to make you wonder why it is we do it!
Windchase riders Pedro Gutierrez and Kathleen
Dingus both completed the CCI** at Radnor, see their pictures on the Windchase
Photos page.
I guess it's an addiction. We can't help ourselves!
In fact, I see these new license plates that they offer in Virginia, that say "Horse Enthusiast", and it seems a pretty weak term for what we are.
Kind of like calling a drug junkie a "Heroin Enthusiast"!
The autumn colors are in full glory, and the weather has been cool and beautiful, so I have really been enjoying hacking and trail riding the young horses.
The young Irish horses all go to Waredaca this weekend, it is great to be getting them some mileage, as they are pretty special.
And I have been having a grand time getting to know the new Kiwi horses, as they are quite a blast to ride, jumping machines!
Windchase is happy to welcome several new working students.
Philip Naggar from Switzerland has been with us about a month now, and he is doing a good job, learning to ride well and to speak English better at the same time!
And welcome to Shannon Prime, who has just arrived this week.
Congratulations to Mariah Evans for doing her fist event on her nice mare Circe several weeks ago at Menfelt.
Until next time,
October 9, 2001
I am really enjoying this lovely weather.
This may be my favorite time of the year! All of the leaves are just starting to turn, and the air is crisp and clear, and everything here at Windchase is incredibly beautiful.
The Morven Park CCI* was last weekend, and Windchase's students did great!
Siobhain O'Connor on her Flying Advance and Jean Bowman on her lovely Irish Sport Horse Mullingar both had super performances in their first Three-day Event.
Both went well in all three phases, with especially good and clear cross-country rounds.
Congratulations on a job well done! See their pictures on
the Windchase Photos page.
I was meant to be going to the Radnor Three-day Event this week with Enniskerry Imp, but unfortunately he wrenched
an ankle, and will be unable to compete.
It is very frustrating, you work so hard, and spend so much time, money and emotion getting ready, and then some small glitch keeps you from competing.
Oh well, that is horses for you. The good news is, it is not a serious injury, just bad timing.
But I am very disappointed to miss the competition. I will be going up to
Radnor (Pennsylvania) anyway, to help Pedro Gutierrez (of Mexico) and Kathleen Dingus, so Windchase will be well represented!
The new Kiwi horses are here now, they came weekend before last, and they are wonderful.
All three are well schooled, talented and easy to ride, so they should be a lot of fun.
I think this is the nicest batch yet, so it will be really fun to get to know them and to match them up with the appropriate riders, and to watch them compete here in the USA!

Mista Pink, one of the new
Kiwi horses offered for sale.
I am also having a lot of fun with the latest batch of youngsters from Ireland.
MacJordan was second in his first event at Middleburg, and Daybreak was exceptional to ride at that competition as well.
Kilroe Bay continues to progress quickly, he is a real class act.
All three will move up the levels quickly. The big new mare, Tenor Star, is really
super to ride, and with her spectacular movement, I think she is something special.
What a treat to have so many really neat horses to work with!
Until next time,
September 25, 2001
Time goes on, and the horrific events of September 11 gradually start to fade a little in our minds.
We will not forget, but we will carry on. As the nation waits to see what the consequences of that fateful day will be on a worldwide scale, we try to return to a normal way of life as best we can.
We go on with our lives, but we are changed by this. Our lives will not be the same.
I went to Plantation Field in Unionville, PA this past weekend, where I ran Enniskerry Imp in his first Advanced Horse Trials.
Pedro Gutierrez of Mexico was with me, also doing his first Advanced, on his mare Secret Notion.
Siobhain O'Connor came also, with her nice horse Flying Advance, to do the Intermediate, her second competition at that level.
On Saturday, Imp was very good. He started out a little fresh, but after riding him three times, he settled down and did a nice dressage test, scoring a 30.
He show jumped well, with just one rail down when he got a little bogged down in some deep footing.
Pedro and Siobhain also went well in the first two phases.
Denis Glaccum had done a nice job with the cross-country, and the land
the course is on is incredible. It is a beautiful huge field with rolling hills and wonderful turf.
They had gotten a fair amount of rain a few days before, so it was super to run on good footing after a month of hard ground.
The fences were challenging but fair, so after walking the course, I was really looking forward to riding
it on Sunday.

Imp is an Advanced Horse!
Actually, I had to look forward to riding it for quite some time.
When you are nervous waiting your turn for a tough course, time seems to pass quite slowly, especially when you are just riding one horse and have nothing to do
but wait.
Well, my ride time for cross-country on Sunday was 5:45 p.m.!
The day seemed to pass at snail's pace. And the more you watch others go, the more nervous you get!
But in the end, I had a super ride on Imp, and he proved himself up to the challenge of Advanced.
He went clear, and though we did not push for a fast time for his first competition of this level, I was thrilled with how he jumped the course.
Imp is now more conceited than ever, and expects to be addressed as H.R.A.H. Imp (His Royal Advanced Highness Imp).
Pedro also had a great go with Secret, jumping
clear with a lovely round. Siobhain O'Connor completed the Intermediate course in good form except for one little mishap, when she became dislodged at the Coffin fence.
The new Kiwi horses arrive this weekend.
Pedro is importing three more experienced Preliminary horses from New Zealand, which will be offered for sale here at Windchase.
I am looking forward to their arrival, as I have found the horses he has brought in have been exceptional.
Until next time,
September 13, 2001
It is so unbelievable . . . it just does not seem real.
Please join me in prayer and mourning for the victims of this tragedy and their families.
I find that I have a hard time caring about anything in my normal everyday life right
now. In the face of the horror and suffering and death that has descended on New York
City and our own Washington DC, I have a hard time thinking about anything else.
The same as many Americans, my anger has grown since the national peace of mind blew up in our faces.
No matter how many tears we shed, the nightmarish images of terrorists killing unsuspecting citizens can't be washed from
our eyes.
Here in America we take our safety and our way of life for granted.
Having seldom been threatened from foreign soil in most of our lifetimes, we don't know what it is to fear that life as we know it may come to an end.
Our very existence has been threatened and our American dream has been charred by the evils of an unknown enemy.
I have faith that Americans will band together to defend our nation and our ideals.
Humanity should not and will not tolerate such hateful acts of violence
and evil.
It seems that our lives have just been changed forever.
Fly your American flags as a statement of solidarity.
Be proud to be an American. United we stand.
Until next time,
September 11, 2001
Everyone here at Windchase is saddened and shocked by the events of this dark day.
We have watched the news on TV much of the day, and witnessed the tragic loss of life as terrorist hijackers crashed planes into buildings in Washington and New York.
Our condolences to the families and friends of the victims of this horrible act of terrorism.
All of our lives will be changed by this act of evil, and any problems we thought we had now seem unimportant and trivial.
Until next time,